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Researching and Writing
Students Studying Outside


At our tutoring center, we offer expert assistance in math, physics, and statistics. Our experienced tutors are dedicated to helping students understand complex concepts to achieve their academic goals. For a complete list of available courses, please visit our courses page.

At our tutoring center, we offer expert assistance in math, physics, and statistics. Our experienced tutors are dedicated to helping students understand complex concepts achieve their academic goals. For a complete list of available courses, please visit our courses page. Join us to enhance your learning experience today!


Our Mission

Addison specializes in providing top-quality tutoring services to college students in math, physics, and statistics. Her focus is on exam preparation and assisting students with homework questions, ensuring academic success and confidence in these subjects.



Howdy! I'm Addison! 

I moved to College Station in 2014 to attend Texas A&M as a geology major. After graduating only 3 years later, I never left College Station so I could continue tutoring the students here. While my passion is geology, my favorite subjects to teach are math and physics. I am a constant learner and am always looking for more courses to add to my repertoire.

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